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High Auction Service LLC
Owners: Randy & Regina High | Downing, Missouri
Contact: Randy High 660.216.0515
Davis County Iowa Land Auction
40 acres M/L - selling in 2 tracts
Joe & Malinda Schmucker
14648 202nd Street
Bloomfield, Iowa 52537
From Bloomfield, Iowa: Go west 7 miles on Hwy 2 to West Grove. Then north on Echo Avenue 3 miles to 202nd Street at auction site. Watch for signs!
Terms of Real Estate: Both tracts will be sold for the total lump sum figure, 10% of the bid price to be paid day of the auction, with the balance paid at closing on or before 30 days. Full possession will be given at time of closing; except for the crop will be until harvested. Property will sell at 2:00 pm. Closing and title work by Lynch Law Office 641-664-1997
All lines drawn on maps, photos, etc. are approximate and no liability for errors is assumed. Buyers should verify the information totheir satisfaction. Real Estate is being sold as is! For more information or to view the property, contact Joe at 641.722.3112
TRACT 1: 25 acres m/l - Improvements include 48’x48’ shouse, built in 2016. 5 bedrooms,1 1⁄2 bath. 60’x120’ barn w/ 32’ insulated shop/
office area, built in 2016. 8 box stalls w/ 18’x56’lean-to. (3) 13’x125’ farrowing barns w/ outside runs, built with door panels in 2018. This tract has a small orchard, and consists of mostly pasture with the east side currently being tilled. Good access with Echo Avenue on entire west side and 202nd St. on the south side.
TRACT 2: 15 acres m/l of pasture and farmland with access Echo Ave. on the West side.
Machinery & Livestock Related
IH rotary hoe - IH 1 row cultivator - 8 row packer - hay wagon - gateway cart
Buggy running gear - loading chute - 300 gal. galv. water tank - bale cart
NI side delivery hay rake, good - NI manure spreader - NI 2 row corn picker
JD 24T baler - McCormick #7 hay mower, needs work - 8 wheel V-rake
5’ brush cutter - manure spreader - barge box & gear - 4 section harrow
Old potato plow - 30’ bale elevator, on carriage - hedgeposts - (3) disks
Bachtold weed mower frame - JD #1209 hay cond. mower - rotary hoe
Motor cart - (2) manure spreaders, for parts - used steel posts - elevator
Wagon running gear, on steel -8’ chain link 12’ gates - 8’ chain link elk
16’ gates - rabbit cages - 50 gal. fi eld sprayer, needs work -deer chute
300 or 500 gal. diesel fuel tank w/ pump, on gear - (2) huge bulk bins
Frost free waterers - calf buckets & feeders - 5’ brush cutter
Hog Equipment
(Selling equipment out of hog barns after property sells)
Hog panels - gates - s.s. sow feeders - feed carts
Sorting panels - 500 lb. Way-Pig 505 hog scales
(65) inside s.s. finishing feeders, various sizes
(33) propane heat lamps for farrowing - flex augers
Osborne feeders for outside(also feeders for parts)
(8) 4 hole Mira-fount waterers - cup waterers
Bulk bins: (2) 2 ton, 3 ton, (7) 5 ton, (5) 2 ton
Horses & Horse Related
(Horses sell approx. noon)
Champ: 4 yr. old buckskin gelding Quarter horse, broke
Lilac: 3 yr. old mini pony paint mare, broke single and double
Lilly: 3 yr. old mate to Lilac - collars - saddles - harness parts
Rocket: 4 yr. old black-white paint stallion(1⁄2 Gypsy 1⁄2 Shetland broke to ride and drive)
Beauty: 5 yr. old buckskin mare very high strung w/ alot of grit
2 yr. old b/w paint mini pony gelding, broke (green)
6 yr. old bay gelding 1⁄2 1⁄2 Standardbred surrey horse
Buggy wheels - older top buggy on fiberglass wheels
1 yr. old 1⁄2 Standardbred 1⁄4 Friesian 1⁄4 all purpose
1 yr. old filly (7⁄8 sister to previous listing) - small sleigh
1 yr. old stallion 1⁄2 pulling bred, 1⁄2 all purpose - surrey buggy
Misty: smooth mouth mare, all purpose, broke the best
Lady:smooth mouth Percheron mare, SkyView Count On It
Small pony buggy - wagon springs - small pony cart w/ top
Shop Tools - Mower - Guns - Misc.
(10) small Honda motors, work - small air compressor
ExMark walk-behind mower - safety harness w/ rope
Empty barrels, metal & plastic - paint sprayer hoses - traps
Mossberg semi-auto international 715T 22 cal. long rifle
Rossi RS22 semi-auto rifle - used roofing metal - torch
Antler sheds(several scoring upper 200”)- new roofing metal
Used ext. & int. doors - tub/shower combo - used metal
Band saw - table saw - water hoses - snow blower - windows
S.S. chimney - outhouse - walk behind forklift - shelving
Old pump jack - torch/welder, almost new - wheelbarrow
Produce supplies - pump jack - roof jacks - vacuum pump
Tree stands - pole saw - air tanks (3) 500 gal, (1) 1,000 gal.
(2) 40”x8” 8 hole, air tires - (2) 28”x6” 5 hole, on steel
(4) 28”x6” 6 hole, on steel - (1) 28”x 8” 6 hole, on steel
Household - Freezer Trailer
China hutch w/glass shelves - changing table - propane deep freeze
Lots of jars - file cabinets - crib - propane wall heater - diesel fuel stove
Green Egg grill, needs work - gas floor light - misc. gas lights
Woodfired water heater - galv. tubs - Grandfather clock - back swing
Reflex. massage table - freezer (has freezer plates, could be used for ice house)
Cash or check with proper ID. Not responsible for accidents or theft.
Announcements day of the sale take precedence over any advertising.
Lunch on grounds, also bake sale with proceeds to help needy family.

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