High Auction Service LLC
Owners: Randy & Regina High | Downing, Missouri
Contact: Randy High 660.216.0515
Public Auction
Wednesday, August 1, 2018 @ 9:00 a.m.
33762 Cranberry Lane | Gibbs, MO 63540
Ervin & Lydia Miller
From Kirksville, MO: Go South on Hwy 63 (7 miles) to Millard. Then go East on KK to Route F. Continue East to Cranberry Lane then on to Auction site. (Farm is approx. 7 miles East of Hwy 63.) Watch for signs!
12’ brillion seeder - JD 14T square baler
IHC baler - #5 IHC silage cutter - (2) silage wagons
9 bar McDeering hay loader - several gravity wagons
9 bar McDeering green crop hay loader - grain augers
JD 7000 6 row planter - (2) 4 row JD planters
Hesston 12 wheel V rake - IH 2 wheel 4 bar rake, on steel
McDeering grain binder - McDeering corn binder
6’ McDeering #9 mower w/ dolly - bale cart w/ 2 spears
NI 1 row corn picker - JD 13 hole drill w/ seed
Garden disc - MM 18 hole drill w/ seed
DR mower w/ 30” brush deck, 42” finish deck
Garden cultivators - Kewanee elevator - flare box
IH square baler, ties good - reel mowers
JD Big 4 hay mower w/ 6’ bar (gone through, field ready)
DR 26" brush mower, like new
Shop & Farm Related
(2) new Predator 6 1/2 hp motor
Small shop stove - drill press - Lincoln 225 welder
3” trash pump - 9x7 insulate garage door, complete
2 man posthole digger w/ 6” & 10” auger - shovels
Rolls barbed wire - (2) 8x8 steel docks - forks - diggers
(1) lot galvanized tin - large lot red & white used tin
(2) 2 ton portable creep feeders - bull float w/ handles
Mueller 300 gallon SS bulk tank - (2) 1000 bu. grain bins
12x40 Madison silo w/ roof - 20 rolls plastic - well pumps
12x16 mini barn - 2T 1/2”x20’ rebar - (45) 2 3/8”x9’ posts
(50) 2 7/8”x9’ posts - lot 7/8”x20’ sucker rod - torch hoses
Lot 2 3/8” & 2 7/8”x 32’ pipe - 42” bolt cutters
1 lot 3 phase motors, 100 hp and down - generator
Lots of barings, pulleys, and gear boxes
1,500 gallon SS 5’x10’ round tank off of truck
(40) 6 bar 24’ continuous panels - 50’ air hose reel
(40) 6 bar 20’ continuous panels
26HD40 Montgomery Hog, needs works - gang saw
#3 hand mill set 4 headblock Meadows Sawmill, newer model,
been through fire - Mellot unscrambler w/ 12’ infeed & 10’ outfeed
Belsaw model 10552 saw sharpener w/ mandrell
Several 56” saw blades - 20’ 24” vibrating conveyor w/ J spout
Large lot of railroad ties - metal band saw - smaller metal lathe
#3 universal Cincinnati Milling machine - 6 groove C30” sawmill pulley
Lodge & Shipley metal lathe 18” head
Horses - Buggies - Tack
8 yr. old Stallion 1/2 Standardbred 1/2 Dutch TSS, broke the best
2 yr. old gelding, 3/4 Standard 1/4 Dutch, 4 whites, TSS, well broke
Yearling black gelding buggy horse - 2 yr. black Standardbred mare
3 yr. old 1/4 Dutch 3/4 Standardbred gelding
Weanling black stud, blaze and socks
Aged black buggy mare, beginner’s horse
Yearling Blue Roan Percheron mare
Yearling black Percheron mare
(2) yearling black Percheron geldings
2 yr. old Palamino mare, rides
3 yr. old white Quarter horse, rides
12 yr. old Paint gelding, cattle horse
4 yr. old white mare, smaller
10 yr. old Paint mare w/ colt, rides
Team 12 yr. black Perch. mares w/ colts, sired by: King David, broke
6 yr. old Paint pony gelding, rides 42” - several saddles
5 yr. old 35” Paint mare w/ colt - 1 seat open buggy - pony cart
3 yr. old white stallion pony, rides, 32” - older Standardbred bay mare
2 yr. old paint gelding - double top buggy w/ lights & brakes
Single top buggy - (2) road carts - 2 seater pony wagon
Several sets Draft harness - single seated open buggy
12 guage single shot shotgun
Savage 12 gauge pump shotgun
Remington mod. 870 wingmaster 12 ga. pump
Marlin 22 cal. tube fed bolt action w/ scope
Calves & Poultry
7 mo. old Jersey bull calf
500# Angus heifer calf
350# black bull calf
100+ lot bantams - ducks
Guineas - peacocks - rabbits
Bring your own cages!
48” van semi trailer, good title
20’ gooseneck flatbed trailer, no title
Several pintle hitch trailers, no title
16’ bumper hitch flatbed trailer, title
48” van semi trailer, good title
Set of semi dolly wheels - Donahue trailer
Hay & Straw
25 big bales Brome hay
120 sm. square alfalfa hay
45 small square straw
10 big bales 2 yr. old hay
Oak kitchen table, opens 20’ - wash machines
Flame View kitchen stove - China hutches - gas lanterns
Dressers - skis and boots - kerosene lamps - baby swings
5 gallon White Mountain ice cream freezer
Colored glassware: Red canister set - Teal canister set
Brown water set - Carnival brown water sets - Lot brown dishes
Red candle holders - Brown candle holders - Pink dishes
Some milk white - Lots of Red - Red lamp w/ shade
Several tables of colored glassware
Expecting more misc. items | Lunch on grounds
Guest Auctioneer:
Cody Martin 660.888. 3460
Auctioneers Note: This will be a nice auction with something for everyone. We will possibly run 2 auction rings, so bring an extra bidder. Also loader and personnel there to assist on auction day. Make plans to attend!! Thanks, Randy
Terms: Cash or check with proper I.D. Not responsible in case of accidents or theft. Announcements day of sale take precedence over any advertising.