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Farm Machinery - Livestock Equip. & Shop Tools

6’ tandem disc - #9 high gear hay mower, 6’ bar - (2) forecarts 2 section harrow - JD 660 hay rake w/ dolly,  on steel or rubber 2 section harrow - JD 660 hay rake w/ dolly,  on steel or rubber (2) hay rack wagons - hay mower parts - hay feeders

Flare box w/ gear - 10A NI manure spreader, on steel wheels NH 56 hay rake on steel wheels - round bale mover

24T JD baler w/ GX690 Honda motor (sells separate)

Rope pulleys for 6 up hitch - 2 wheeled trailer w/ steel wheels Grain elevator w/ motor mount - (2) hay ring feeders

9’ 910 Pequea hay tedder, ground driven

Manure spreader on 2 steel wheels - new barrel shop stove

2” irrigation pump w/ Honda motor

11 HP Honda motor - EZ Flow lime spreader on steel

Bobsled w/ box and seat, nice - 2 section harrow

Steel & wood posts - 100 gal. fi eld sprayer, 20’ boom, no hoses Cattle grain feeder bunk (built from LP tank) - shoeing stock

Air fan - cattle panels - set of Brahma Webb Draft harness Horse collars and pads from 17”to 28” - Englander wood stove Horse shoe tack rack - misc. used tack - Antique horse bits

30 gal. kerosene barrel w/ pump, on wheels

Cows - Horses & Livestock

(9)  Black bred cows and cow/calf pairs consisting of 3 hfrs. & 6 - 3 to 6 yr. olds Cows are mostly home raised & gentle

3 yr. old Black Angus bull    

Team of Percheron Draft horses: 4 yr. old gel. & 10 yr. old mare (broke for anyone)

2 yr. old Belgian cross colt

48” pony, broke to ride & drive

4 yr. old gelding - several baby goats Rooster - (6) young laying hens

New steel inventory consisting of:

Tubing - flat iron - angle iron - Etc.

Also steel welding table - Lots of new horse shoes ( some toe & heel - some drill tec)

Lumber & Trim Approx.

200 board ft. cedar lumber

Approx. 100 board ft. Walnut lumber Approx. 100 board ft. Walnut lumber Rustic Cedar window trim

Household - Collectibles & Mowers Monarch L.P. refrigerator, 4 yr. old

Hickory rocking chair

Horse shoe rocking chair

Portable clothesline - Ashland cookstove Hand (pitcher) water pump

Wide mouth canning jars  

Adjustable bed frame

Rustic Cedar coffee tables

Western art relic boards

Twin galvanized laundry tubs

L.P. floor light and light stand cabinet

L.P. tanks, (2)100# (2) 20#

Cedar clothes hook boards

Singer leather sewing machine

Stihl weedeater - Honda lawn mower Snapper lawn mower - firewood

Troy Bilt tiller (econo horse) w/ Honda

DR 26” Brush Cutter (excellent condition) 6x8 childs playhouse

Cowboy boot full of coins (20 lbs.) Independence 1776 dinner bell w/ cradle Horsepullers knife (1 of 100)

Lunch & Bake Sale by Amish Ladies. Proceeds for hospital bills.

Auctioneers Note: As the Borntregers have sold their farm and are moving out of state, we will sell the above items at auction. This will be a nice clean auction, along with some neighboring consigned items. There will be something for everyone. Loader on site day of auction.  Make plans to attend!! Thanks, Randy

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